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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Café Frappe and Valentines day


For me Valentines day has an association with café frappe. However, not in the way you’d expect. Many years back my husband had to be admitted for a surgery on valentines day. After the hectic and tense day when I was heading home I stopped by a Café Coffee Day and had a glass of café frappe. I really needed to unwind and the coffee helped a lot. For the next week or so each day after the stream of visitors died down and he was settled in after his dinner, I’d head off to the hospitals Café  Coffee day for the same. It became a daily ritual for a week.

Now valentines day are generally a more happier occasion but I still yearn for the café frappe. Even though we are in the coffee capital of the world (head quarters of Starbucks) I just don’t get my choice of coffee. I do not consider the burnt charcoal syrup Starbucks serve as coffee. I have tried to explain to them what I exactly want and each time they get me an even more weird tasting concoction. So for now I have settled to make my own frappe’s.


  1. 2 cups ice cube
  2. 1 cup milk
  3. 4tbsp. sugar
  4. 1cup extra strong coffee at room temperature
  5. 4 scoops vanilla ice cream
  6. 1tsp. instant coffee powder  ( I used Nescafe )
  7. Chocolate syrup ( Optional )


Chill the serving glasses in the refrigerator.

Place two cups of ice cube along with a cup of extra strong coffee in a blender and crush well. Add a cup of milk and sugar to it and shake well. Blend on high speed until smooth. Taste and adjust the sweetness.

Pour the blended mixture into the chilled glass and top it up with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Sprinkle a pinch of coffee powder over the ice cream  and drizzle some chocolate sauce around the rim to finish.



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