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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dimer Devil


Dimer devil or deviled egg is boiled egg coated by spicy minced meat. I have no idea what it’s association with devil is, but I can promise you’ll think more about heaven than hell when you have it.

This is commonly sold in road side shacks in Kolkata and also in college cafeterias. My boyfriend used to get it for me from his college’s café when he came to pick me up after classes. I still remember those days of munching on the devils while going back home in the Kolkata metro rail.


  1. 6 hard boiled eggs cut into halves lengthwise 
  2. 250 gm minced meat (keema). This is optional. 
  3. 2 medium sized potatoes boiled
  4. 1 medium onion finely chopped
  5. 1 inch ginger finely minced + 1/2 tsp. ginger paste 
  6. 1 tbsp. grated garlic + 1/2 tsp. garlic paste 
  7. 2-3 green chilies finely chopped
  8. 1 tsp. raisins 
  9. 1/2 tsp. bengali garam masala powder
  10. 1/2 tsp. bhaja masala (dry roast and coarsely grind whole cumin, coriander and dry red chilly)
  11. 1tsp. sugar
  12. Salt to taste
  13. 3-4 tbsp. maida (AP flour)
  14. 3-4 tbsp. cornstarch
  15. Enough bread crumb
  16. Oil for deep frying

NOTE: I make this with and without minced meat, based on whom I’m making this for. I have a bunch of vegetarian friends who have taken up eating eggs but nothing beyond that. For them you need to substitute the meat with equal amount of boiled mashed potato. Everything else remains the same.


Step 1: Stuffing

In a mixing bowl mix minced meat with ginger garlic paste, salt and sugar. Cook it on a medium heat till all moisture dries up. Let it cool.

Heat 2 tsp. oil in a frying pan and sauté chopped onion, ginger and garlic on low heat for about 2 minutes. The taste will go bad if you fry it on a high heat for long.

In a separate mixing bowl mash boiled potatoes with fried masala, green chilies, garam masala powder and bhaja masala with your hand. Mix cooked meat with it and taste the seasoning. Add salt and sugar to taste. Your stuffing is ready to be used.


Step 2

Take each half of the eggs and place one raisins in  the center of the yolk. Press down with your finger tip to secure it in place.


Now take a part of the meat mixture on your palm and flatten it with the other hand. Put the halved egg in the center of it. Place the yolk side down. Cover it up with the meat mixture by closing your fist.


Using both your palms smoothen the surface and try to give it a natural oval  shape of an egg.

Step 3

In a bowl mix maida and corn starch uniformly. Gradually add water to make a thin batter. Take enough bread crumb on a plate.

Dip each of the deviled egg in the batter and  roll them on the bread crumb. Repeat the process. Dust off any extra bread crumb. You can refrigerate them and fry just before serving.


Heat enough oil for deep frying in a wok or kadai. Gently slide the deviled eggs one or two at a time in the hot oil and fry till all sides turn brown. Remove with a slotted spoon.


Sprinkle black salt over it and serve with some onion slices.


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