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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Baked Potato (Jacket Potato)



Sometime back few of our friend and family made a weekend trip to the ski-resort of Mt. Baker. We had a blast staying in a log hut and taking ski-lessons. Personally I am not a snow person. So when my family was down in the snow taking ski-lessons, me and my friend decided to stay back at the resort chalet.

We ordered some hot coffee and baked potatoes at the chalet café. While savoring the food we were sitting cozily in the warmth of the chalet and chit-chatting. Far below in the snow my family was learning to ski or rather crawling all over the snow as it appeared to us. We were waiting for them to come back so that we could re-order the potato and share with them. Unfortunately the café ran out of it by the time they came back. That didn’t stop me and my friend from raving about it on the drive back. My husband and daughter half famished got irritated to no end.

After coming back home I had to make it for them. After all what’s good in a food that is not shared with your loved ones. Baked potato or Jacket potato makes a very good supper or dinner with some bread rolls. It’s super easy to make as well.


  1. 4 medium baking potatoes
  2. Salt
  3. 4 tsp. butter
  4. 4 tsp. shredded cheddar cheese
  5. 4 tsp. tomato ketchup
  6. 4 tsp. sour cream
  7. 4 tsp. chopped spring onions


Pre heat the oven to 350F. Wash potatoes thoroughly and poke them with a sharp fork all over so that the moisture built up inside during baking can escape. Coat the potatoes lightly with oil and place them directly on an oven rack. Bake for about 40 mins and then turn them over. Bake for another 30 mins till the skin feels crispy but the flesh beneath feels soft.

Take it out and make a X shaped incision on top of each potato. Now crack the potatoes open by squeezing the ends towards one another.


It will pop right open. Season each of them with salt followed by a dollop of butter. As the potatoes are steaming hot the butter will melt and help the salt to go through. Load it with a spoon ful of sour cream followed by tomato ketchup . Sprinkle shredded cheese and spring onions over it. Serve hot, immediately.  


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